Portraits of Positivity

In the time of Coronavirus
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This project is part photography, part connection, part fundraiser, and part spreading good news!


Say what? Can you even do that? Yep! Join me in this unique project to capture this unusual time we find ourselves in!

Watch the video below to find out more details and how you can participate.

Sign up using the link below; just make sure to sign up quickly…availability is limited!

And please help me spread this project far and wide…this is something that everyone can participate in!


A large motivation behind starting my Virtual Portraits Project was to SHARE GOOD NEWS. Social feeds and news are filled with so much negativity, and I wanted to add positivity, gratitude, and kindness to our social feeds. 

Even in this time of uncertainty and unease, we can still find bright lights in our days.

Wanda Baader

I admire the resiliency that I see all around me during these challenging times. I am so proud of those who have made such sacrifices to keep us safe, healthy, and fed. Like the grocery store and factory workers and truckers who get food to our tables, the restaurants that are staying open to provide us with food options, the delivery people, the farmers, the healthcare providers, the first responders and all those that serve this country and its people.

I marvel at the ingenuity and the creativeness that I see my fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners doing to pivot their businesses and genuinely think outside the box and then come up with clever ways to serve their communities. Much like this project that Karianne has created, or the people who are making masks and protective gear, the restaurants that are providing free meals to those in need or for those who serve and there are so many other wonderful examples.

Thank you Karianne for letting me be a part of this project and I hope others will take the time to participate so that we can jointly help others in need. Together we are stronger. ❤️

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Meet Margo Crawford

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Learn more about portraits with Karianne