
Meet Jennifer Lowry-Downey

Meet Jennifer Lowry-Downey

Location: AZ In her words: "We have been waiting for 2 1/2 years for my daughter Lila to finish chemo treatments for Leukemia and of course that happened just as the Covid-19 lock down happened. BUT I DON'T CARE! WE ARE FINISHED! She is cancer free and honestly the...

Meet Lynn Murphy

Meet Lynn Murphy

Meet Lynn Murphy of Key Innovative Business Solutions. Location: AZ In her words: "After working through myriad what-do-we-do-now scenarios, I am experiencing gratitude and relief that my travel and meeting schedules have opened up. I relish this freedom with time to...

Meet Pauline Sandell

Meet Pauline Sandell

Meet Pauline Sandell. Location: AZ In her words: "When the Covid situation began, I really didn't take it that seriously, but as time went on and the magnitude of it kept unfolding I was forced to accept the inevitable slow down, cancellations, and new physical...

Meet Marisa Maggio Harelson

Meet Marisa Maggio Harelson

Meet Marisa Maggio Harelson of Marisa's Total Well-Being. Location: AZ In her words: "This pandemic forced us all to STOP! For that, I find gratitude that Mother Nature put a huge STOP sign in front of us to pause, go inward and discover our real purpose in this...

Meet Dana Lam

Meet Dana Lam

Meet Dana Lam of Surprise Date Challenge. Location: AZ In her words: "What helped me turn the corner and survive Covid-19? Without a doubt it was high dose vitamin C and zinc IV treatment, along with IV Ozone treatment. Nurses came to my home covered head to toe in...

Meet Lynda Bishop

Meet Lynda Bishop

"The world as we knew it is gone. While that sentence terrifies the part of me that likes stability and familiarity, it also has a big sigh of relief and thrills the rest of me that loves to dream and create. The “normal” that we had gotten used to is gone, but we are...

Meet Jenny Johnson Patton and her family

Meet Jenny Johnson Patton and her family

"What is something positive that has happened during this pandemic? Not at the expense of anyone’s health, but I have appreciated the opportunity to slow down, connect more deeply with friends who serve in medical and other essential roles, and creatively see how I...

Meet Catherine Anaya and her son Christian

Meet Catherine Anaya and her son Christian

"Time. That’s what I will remember most about this time. Time to spend with my son who this time next year will be graduating high school. When will life slow down enough again that we jigsaw puzzle together at midnight during the week? Time to sleep in and get my...

Meet Rebecca Wyatt

Meet Rebecca Wyatt

Spreading inspirational stories of love and gratitude, building connections, and raising money for a local nonprofit. Meet Rebecca Wyatt of CASCO Financial Group. Location: AZ In her words: "You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be...

Meet Kathleen Gramzay

Meet Kathleen Gramzay

Spreading inspirational stories of love and gratitude, building connections, and raising money for a local nonprofit. Meet Kathleen Gramzay of Kathleen Gramzay - Release Your Pain. Location: AZ In her words: "Prior to the pandemic, people were already overstressed,...

Meet Catherine Scrivano

Meet Catherine Scrivano

Meet Catherine Scrivano of CASCO Financial Group. Location: AZ In her words: "A really smart client calmly posed a question a couple of weeks ago: “When this is all over, what will I wish I had done?” The question so impressed me that I now refer to is as: THE...

Meet Lisa Tammen Smith

Meet Lisa Tammen Smith

with The Peaceful Parent. In her words: "I am a mom and parent coach. I help transform frustrated parents -- who regularly default to yelling, threatening and punishing -- into peaceful leaders within their households. I know that parenting during this stressful time...

Meet Mary Patry

Meet Mary Patry

COVID-19 turned our lives up side down. The sudden isolation forced me to reassess commitment to my encore career choice of Executive Coaching while seeking personal balance. After deep self-reflection I found a deeper commitment to both my loved ones and the service...

Meet Jeanine Tripodi

Meet Jeanine Tripodi

I have been living more mindfully and in the present moment than ever before. But this isn’t a result of some enlightened expansion so much as a forced suspension of my daily life. I don’t think I am alone when I say this is a weird balance of feeling grief (for those...

Meet Karen Estrin

Meet Karen Estrin

Like so many, we’re adjusting to the new normal of home school, social distancing and quarantine. We’ve chosen to focus on the quiet calm rather than isolation, the slower pace rather than stay-at-home orders and contribution rather closures. And quarantine has...

Learn more about portraits with Karianne