
Meet Kate Thoene

Meet Kate Thoene

Executive Director of Waste NOT. "I have the great honor of leading local hunger relief agency Waste Not. We specialize in collecting excess prepared and perishable food and delivering it to 60 nonprofits that feed those in need. During this pandemic, we have...

Meet the Project Creator: Karianne Munstedt

Meet the Project Creator: Karianne Munstedt

Spreading inspirational stories of love and gratitude, building connections, and raising money for a local nonprofit. Meet the creator of this 🙂 "Some people have mentioned that their hesitation to joining this project is because they don't want to show...

Meet Wanda Baader

Meet Wanda Baader

I admire the resiliency that I see all around me during these challenging times. I am so proud of those who have made such sacrifices to keep us safe, healthy, and fed. Like the grocery store and factory workers and truckers who get food to our tables, the restaurants...

Meet Sarah Grone

Meet Sarah Grone

I've been blown away by the collective generosity in communities around the world. Once the wave of the first two weeks of social distancing was behind us and most of us settled into our new routines, there's been an upswell of people donating their time, money, and...

Meet Patti Lynn Mamalis

Meet Patti Lynn Mamalis

The coronavirus affected me quite suddenly. I was attending a chamber meeting and there was a mandatory 'no touching and no contact' rule at the meeting. I was upset and angry and not understanding as I thought "Why can’t I greet my friends and fellow business owners...

René Lovecraft

René Lovecraft

From Karianne: When I photographed René on Saturday, she was on Day 10 of symptoms of COVID-19. She hadn't been officially tested, but based on a virtual doctor's appointment, she was being treated as if she had the virus. I asked her why she would possibly want to...

Meet Jeffri-Lynn Campbell

Meet Jeffri-Lynn Campbell

I have been surprised and delighted at the increased connection I have found while sequestered during this pandemic. In addition to regular client meetings and conversations, I've been "zooming on the fly" with people I haven't seen or talked to in years! My best...

Tanner & Jarrett Ransom

Tanner & Jarrett Ransom

Tanner, age 9, on what he is enjoying about this time: "I get to spend more time with my family." ❤❤❤❤❤❤ From Jarrett Ransom: "We are home bound and heart centered. Both my son and I are high-feelers and the energy in this world has changed and it becomes even more...

meet Jarrett Ransom

meet Jarrett Ransom

These days during COVID-19 are different than the days we once knew. Kids are home, internet is slow, and toilet paper is being rationed. The school bell in my neighborhood can still be heard in the distance although school is in session now in our own homes. But...

Learn more about portraits with Karianne