Meet Annie, Annette Bailey

Spreading inspirational stories of love and gratitude, building connections, and raising money for a local nonprofit.

Meet Annie Annette Bailey. Location: WI
Please help me wish Annie a very happy birthday! 🎈🎂🎈🎂

In her words: “May 1, 2020 – 51 years young today, woo hoo! I gotta say I am AMAZED & GRATEFUL that after nearly 2 months in quarantine, all four of us in this house are still healthy & alive. Not that I worry so much about COVID-19, but that no one killed anyone yet 🤣🤣 In fact, just the opposite has come true, we’re all closer than ever. I never imagined I’d say it but I AM THANKFUL for my teenagers! My teens have really stepped up & are doing all kinds of creative things. In fact, my daughter taught herself how to macrame via YouTube & is making beautiful art for the family from sticks in the yard & yarn we had lying around. I miss my extended family DEARLY, but otherwise, I kinda like living & working this way, just want to lose the masks & gloves as soon as it is safe to do so!”

ALL proceeds from this project are being donated to Shoebox Ministry to provide hygiene products to individuals in need. Every $1 that is donated provides 2.5 days of hygiene products, so literally every dollar counts! So far, more than $1600 has been donated and that number is growing every day!!

If you would like to be a part of this project, please visit the following link to learn more and sign up:

Learn more about portraits with Karianne