Meet Jenny Johnson Patton and her family

“What is something positive that has happened during this pandemic?

Not at the expense of anyone’s health, but I have appreciated the opportunity to slow down, connect more deeply with friends who serve in medical and other essential roles, and creatively see how I can give back and volunteer from afar. People feel good when they are cared about – whether it’s receiving a surprise gift, getting necessary groceries or receiving a message in the mail. I made it my goal, over 54 days ago, to do something nice every day for at least one person. Helping others makes me happy so I’ve tried to stay positive by acting on the mantras of #spreadkindness and #deliverhappiness.”
ALL proceeds from this project are being donated to Shoebox Ministry to provide hygiene products to individuals in need. Every $1 that is donated provides 2.5 days of hygiene products, so literally every dollar counts! So far, more than $1800 has been donated and that number is growing every day!!

If you would like to be a part of this project, please visit the following link to learn more and sign up:

Learn more about portraits with Karianne