Meet Lisa Coppola

I’m fortunate that my law firm team is comfortably remote, my little family is safe, and there’s plenty of wine in the basement! So while I’m home for a while, I decided to take time each week to send small notes to friends and colleagues. While I know they may quarantine my envelope upon receipt, I hope that when it’s opened, it brings a smile to their lips.

You see, I have the most profound friends, and I have so much gratitude for them. They’re the women who’ve stood by me during business transitions, guided me in single parenting, and circled me during a health crisis until I knew I’d be okay. We literally visioned it into being. And, ultimately, I became so much more than okay.

That crisis many, many years ago is why I’m reminded that although things seem (and are!) hard now, there also are gifts if we look closely enough. I’m already the beneficiary of so many of those gifts, so I’ll continue to embrace gratitude as we walk through COVID-19 to the other side.

Learn more about portraits with Karianne