Meet Liz Bechtel

Meet Liz Bechtel of Bechtel CPA and her adorable boys. Location: NJ. In her words: “I would have never of thought 2 months ago my family would be quarantined. It’s crazy what life brings unexpectedly and how it disrupts our normalcy. I don’t think that’s always a bad thing – getting us out of our comfort zone but definitely brings its own set of challenges. Professionally, I’m a Virtual CPA so it wasn’t too difficult to still service my clients since I already had the technology in place. The hard part is watching some of my client’s hope start to fade of reopening. While on the other hand, I get to excitedly watch clients get creative and obtain more income than before. Personally, it’s been positive watching my husband home school our sons. School wasn’t his strong suit when he was younger, but watching him excel in teaching our kids, the patience and understanding he possesses, is inspiring to watch. Not only do my kids love that their dad is their teacher, but the confidence I see in my husband is growing each day. Other joyous moments include watching my boys ride their bikes, playing in mud on raining days, playing online games with family, and watching their imaginations grow. These are new days full of wonder, possibilities and challenges. We need to take each day as it comes and pray for one another since each person is dealing with their own unique situation. Stay hopeful… we are in this together!
ALL proceeds from this project are being donated to Shoebox Ministry to provide hygiene products to individuals in need. Every $1 that is donated provides 2.5 days of hygiene products, so literally every dollar counts! So far, more than $2,400 has been donated and that number is growing every day!!

If you would like to be a part of this project, please visit the following link to learn more and sign up:

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